The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



I reach there about four weeks hence, or at Vicksburg from that time up to the 20 of Novr.

M. H.

[Addressed] Gen: M. B. Lamar Oak Grove near Houston Texas


M. Hunt Mrs. Smiths 5 Sept 1838 Confidential

No. 808

1838 Sept, [5], M. IIUN'l' TO J\I. B. LAMAR

Houston Sepr. 1838

My Dear Genl. I have just ascertained, without doubt, that Gen. Houston will make efforts to cause a re-orginization of the Army during his ad- ministration; and attempt will likewise be made, through his friends, to procure for him the appointment of commander in chief by joint resolutions of both houses of Congress; if that fails, Colo Hockley will be nominated for the command, provided this army, is re-organized. I have spoken more minutely on this subject to Mr. T. I. Jones, who I have desired to communicate with you in detail. Dr. Smith is your zealous friend, and although I know he is on friendly terms with the President, and would not abuse the confidince of any man, yet I think if you will inquire of him, he can communicate more facts in connection with mattrrs now secretl;v going on to thwart your ad- ministration than, perhaps, any one. else in Texas. I shall perhaps not ·write to you again until I reach the U. S'. I will, therefore, take the liberty of asking your attention to the im- portant consideration of causing your friends to defeat this re-· orginization of the Army by this present execution. Your friend. To Gen Lamar Memucan Hunt NB Please excuse interlinations and blots. as I have to write m great haste.


[Addressed] 'l'o Qen M B Lamar Oak Grove Houston Texas

Gen! M Hunt Houston 5th Sept 1839 Confidential

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