The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



a recommendation to Congrern that they shall have an agency for a period not exceeding ten years in the country to purchase exchange & discount promissory notes & to employ a Capital equal to the amt they may take of the Loan, provided the purchases of exchange & discounts are paid out in their own Notes. -5thly- That the President issue a commission to the Commissioners to issue the Bonds in the name of the Republic & if need be to sign his Name to the Same to any sum not exceeding Five Millions of Dollars.- -6t.- That if the Commissioners should find in lieu of selling the Bonds that a first rate Bank or a combination of Banks should be disposed to guarantee or endorse the Bonds they be allowed to stipu- late that all over par they sell shall belong to the said Bank or Banks subject however to a revocation by the commissioners of such a sum as shall pay all the cost & charges of the Negociation in the U. S. & Europe. Bonus premiums brokerage & commissions so that the Republic may receive on the U. S'. par for the Bonds.-That what- ever Bank or Banks of the United States that takes the Loan or makes the negociation shall have power to drawn for the amt of the subs of the Bonds in Europe 5- That Mr Holford be paid out of the 1st Series of the Bonds. 95 No. 807 1838 Sept. 5, 1\1. HUN'J', [HOUSTON], TO lVL B. LAl\TAR My Dear General, Since our conversation yesterday on the appointment of your Cabinet I have thought of several gentlemen, among whom, perhaps, yon can make one selection, or more, for the purpose, They are, Genl. Chambers, Genl. Dunlap, Colo. Bee, Gen. Johnson, Colo. John ·wharton, Colo. Love, Mr. T. I. Jones, (from the representations which have been made to me of the two latter), Dr. Smith; and Genl. McIntosh, (now S'ec: of legation to Great Britain). The latter gen- tleman would, perhops, be as capable a Sec: of the Treasury, as any man in Texas, and I know that he can be depended upon to the fullest extent as a gentleman in this or any other office. I am unaware of your private relations with most of these gentle- men, and should I have mentioned one, or more, with whom they are not of a friendly character, please excuse me. In haste Yonr friend Memucan Hunt To Gen : 1\L B. Lamar P. S. I should be glad to meet at letter from you at Nacogdoches when ""P:ich of these provisions is endorsed in the margin "PASSED." The articles of this supplement are numbered in an apparently senseless fashion; a com- parison with the original act (Gammel, H. P. N., Laws of Texas, I, 1484) tloes not show any definite relation between the two sets of numbers. confidential l\Trs Smith's Sepr. 5th 1838

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