No. 801 1838 Aitg. 28, T. J. RUSK TO COL. BOWL, [CHEROKEE NATION)
28th Aug 1838
To Colonel Bowles Sir I send up Charles Sims to you with this communication Genl Houston has gone down to San Augustine where he will remain for some days I desire you would send your talk to the Sh_a,vnees and Kickapoos Delawares Cushatteess & all friendly Tribes The Mexicans will try to make them discontented and it is against the intrests of the Americans ahd also their Red Bretheren the Indians to have any misunderstandings the Mexicans will attempt to induce the Caddoes Ionies & Kitzies to do mischief to our people we do not want any quarrel with any Indians and will not disturb them unless they do us injury I do not want you to let the Hostile Indians come into your Coun- try but give us information when they come and we will drive them away
Your Brother
'l'ho J Rusk
Maj Gen T 1\1
To Col Bowles At Home
Chas Sims
No. 802
1838 Aug. 25, ANSELM BUGG, COOSAWDA, AUTAUGA COUNTY, ALABAMA, TO. M[IRABEAU) BfUONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Requesting an advance of money to' his son, and advice regarding his own plan to bring a shipment of lumber to Texas and invest the proceeds in land; pressure in the money market; flights to Texas. A. L. S. 2 p. No. 803 1838, Aug. 29, GEO[RGE] W. DUNHAM, ATHENS, GEORGIA, TO MIRABEAU [BUONAPARTE] LAl\fAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Inquiry regarding the validity of land scrip purchased of Col. Coleburn, issued by the Colorado and Red River Land Compan_y and by the Rio Grande and Texas Land Company, to be located m the Beale's river Grant and in the "\Voodbury Grant. A. L. S. 2 p.
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