General Rusks movements prevented I have no doubt a general indian war- He is entitled to the highest credit, for withstanding the constant Solicitations of his men to pursue the Mexicans into the heart of the Indian settlements and attack them, when by doing So the whole train would have been fired, and years of the most desolating Sort of warfare ensued- - As it is, the Mexicans are dispersed, and captures are made every hour- The indians are intimidated, and all faith they may have had in the Mexicans lost.- The Jail & a guard house in Town are crowded with prisoners- Several of them important-i'·fone of the mainsprings of the affair, however are yet taken- Onr :Militia you are aware have never been Commissioned by the President, a Court Martial therefore cannot be legally organized for the trial of the prisoners- To wait for the tedious pocess of the civil authorities, will destroy nearly the whole effect-Example, to be powerful, Should be prompt- 'l'he President ·was in Town during the difficulties; I was left in command of the Town by Genl. Rusk, and had a most disagreeable duty to perform I assure you- But the President & myself never did or could agree well- He cramped Genl. Rusk in every way, with his orders, written here, where we could not judge ,vhat was the true state of affairs at I-Id. Qrs.- A letter to Genl. Houston from Col Iloeyley, was received two days Since, It was in an official envelope from the ·war Dept, and (in the absence of Genl. II at San Augustine) it was opened by Genl Rusk- It began officially but ended personally- The Colonel States in it, that Moore of the Telegraph has become "disgusted" & was on the point of deserting you, when the news of Col Grayson's death arrived- I saw you_r;s to the Genl. (Rusk) -No plans of the "party" can affect you here-You may rely on that-Horton is here & I think rather down in the mouth. He & his family are Sick- I'll stay here 'till the Election is ·over-They will let me vote here as my office makes me, they agree a citizen of the Republic at large- 'l'hruston I see is appointed Atty Genl-Hurrah for the loaves & fishes- The General writes, hy Col Bee- Please present my respects to the "Grove/'
Your friend II McLeod [rubric]
Private General M. B. Lamar
Majr McLeod Nacogdoches 20th Agst 38
V. P. Rep of Texas Houston 'l'exas
Favd by ) Col Bee )
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