1000 men in the field in six days notice and traversed the Cherokee Country with 700 mounted men-Genls. Rusk & Douglass in com- mand. 'l'he President lost ground (if such a thing was possible) by hici conduct on the occa.sion. I am of opinion that Rusk did himself hono::- by his conduct in the affair though a temporary feeling of dissatisfaction exi"sts among those who were anxious for battle at any risk to the peace of the Country McLeod is a most able officer. Rowe and Horton were both pres- ent in the campaign or Excursion but the latter lost the expected fruits of his patriotism by the display of Circulars that was made about that time Most persons concluded that it was sham or in other words that his object was votes instead of bullets. I have sold my press to Parker of San Augustine-Politicks the same-So that you will make no alteration in your estimation of course of the Paper. . I have not written to you because I found nothing to tell you of, that differed from what I had previously told you- I passed from Houston through Liberty, Jefferson, Jasper, Sabine, & San Augus- tine and found but one feeling pervading every bosom nor has it altered-Day after tomorrow I start east & south on business of my own but shall keep an eye on all I see I hear by the papers of the ar'.rival of your family-accept of my congratulations on the occasiqn. Present my regards to our friends Your friend I. ·w. Burton Genl. 1\1. B. Lamar Oakland, Houston [Addressed] (Courtesy of ( Col. B. E. Bee) [Endorsed l
I W Burton 25 Augst /38 Private.
To Genl Mirabeau B Lamar
Oakland near City of Houston
No. 800
1838 Aug. 26, H. 1\IcLEOD TO 1\I. B. LA~IAR
Nacogdoches Aug. 26th 1838.
Dear Genl. I avail myself of the return of Col Bee, to give you a sketch of the late rebellion of the Mexicans here-A full detail is in the hands of Col Bee- 'l'heir designs are no longer questionable- But for the accidental explosion of the plot before it was matured. Every tribe of Indians in Eastern Texas, would have been Engaged in it - And had they not been alarmed by the sudden appearance of Genl. Rusk Among them, with upwards of 700 1\Ien, I believe they would have joined
as it was- 14-Library.
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