No. 798 1838 Awg. 24, G. WHEELWRIGHT TOM. B. LAMAR :Matagorda Aug. 24th 1838.
Gen. l\I. B. Lamar )
Dr Sir,
. Anticipating without a doubt your elec-
tion to the Presidency and believeing you will make radical changes in many abuses which it has been the misfortune of the Country to labour under during the present administration and reinstate merito- rious and injured officers to their former rank, where it evidently is the wish of the people and of subordinate officers in the particular department. I have for sevei:al months past taken pains to ascer- tain the sentiments of the community, and more especially of the officers of the N"avy, as wen ·as the crews of the Invincible and Brutus in relation to the late Secreta[ry] of the Navy the Hon. S. Rhoads Fisher. I scarcely find a dissenting voice wherever I have been, as regards the unjust treatment sustained by that gentlemen and his qualifications to fill with credit to his country and the partic- ular advantage to the service the same station he formerly occupied. I have only to observe that should your views of that gentleman coincide with. mine, it would give all the officers of the Navy great pleasure to recognise him as the head of that department under your administration I have the honor to be Yr Obt. Svt.
Geo. WheelwI'ight. [Endorsed]
[ A d dressed] Gen. Mirabeau B. Lamar- City of Houston 'l'exas
Geo Wheelwright·
Nacogd. 24: Angst 1838 Political.
No. 799
1838 Aitg. 25, I. W. BURTON. [NACOGDOCHES], 'l'O l\l. B. LAMAR
25th Aug1ist 1838.
Dr. Genl.
I avail my self of the return or Col. Bee to express to you my con- tinued good wishes-Being well myself I only hope that you may yourself be equally fortunate in escaping disease. Politically your Prospects are as I have ever told you-nor has. the decease of Col Grayson altered 100 votes- For the Vice Presidency the contest here is between Rowe & Bur- nett. I think that the former will beate in eastern Texas Col. Hortens support will be very weak-He is now quite sick in this· town. The Rebellion of the l\fexicans and their attempt to let loose the Indians on this frontier has created a very great excitement among us-It is now over and we are daily catching the poor devils and I suppose we shall have a fine hanging frolick shortly- \Ve had
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