No. 790 1838 Aug. 17, J. M. HENRIE TO M. B. LAMAR
Nacogdoches Texas
17th-August 1838
Dear General
Our portion of the country has been in a State of Con• fusion for the last 10 or 15 days. The Mexicans which had united and placed themselves in a warlike atitude and had declared to shed the last drop of their Blood in the defence of the rites of the country to which they belong & that they do not nor never did acknowledge the present laws, has dispersed before our army in parties from two to Twelve earch party taken a different direction. Some suppose their intention to consentrate at some other point but the prevailing opinion is that they have dispersed for good though proper· means ·will be taken to asertain the truth. The number of the enemy was supposed to be about 200 including some Indians Genl Rusk is at the head of 700 men & there is 300 in this place makeing in all under arms 1,000 men. Genl Rusk in his last communication to the President said he intends taken one half of the Army and following the Enemy & the other half he will order back to this point what the next movement will be I know not Colo Horten is now in the army he will get a large majority of votes in the Red Lands I suppose and I am hapy to say you are the unanimous choise of the people as candidate to the Presidency. Any information you might wish from this portion of the republic will give me much pleasure in promulgating it to you. You will please accept the assurance of the high regard and esteem of your sincere friend ·
John M Henrie [rubric]
Since I have written the above number of the :Mexicans have come in & informs us that they all have absconded and went to their homes except Vicente Cordova with a small party whose direction is not known but suppose he intends to go to Matamoras which is most likely the President has given liberty to all those who have come in to return to their homes without molestation
Your friend
,J M Henrie [rubric]
[Addressed] TO
J M Henrie Nacodgs-17 Augst 1838 Political
MB Lama,r
of Texas
V. President Houston T-
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