Your particular friend (in my opinion) they will both pretend to be so. Houston was undoubtedly in favor of Grayson. he will now be warmly in favor of you We have had a Regular Kick up among the Mexicami. they de- clareing in favor of the Constitution of 24-the thing is over-and I think better of Texas than Ever. She is safe beyond a Doubt- 1000 men were got together in about 4 days are eager for fight you Will Have the power of carrying any measure You may desire in con"ress if I may Judge from the complexion of the Candidates here.. The 0 people Look with confidence to the time when you shall take the Chair-Satisfied that You will correct all Evils & abuses- May God Prosper You in all things Devotedly Your friend S. H. Everitt [rubric] [Addressed] Horil. M. B. Lamar ·Houston Texas No. 789 [Endorsed] S. H. Everitt Nacogdoches 16 Augst 1838' 1838 Aug. 16, G. BORDEN JR. TO M. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON] Port of Galveston 16 Aug. 1838. Hon. M. B. Lamar Vice President, S'ir,_:_ Since writing the enclosed letter, 92 I understand, my brother John is absent from Houston. And feeling anxious that the subject should come before the proper authorities without delay, I take the liberty, as his Excly. the president is absent, to enclose the letter to you. Please hand it to brother John when he returns, but in the mean time .make such use of it, as your better judgement may dictate. 'fhe project of lots being laid off on Pelican Shoal, has not been promted by views hostile to the interest of Galveston town Company; for I am well assured that the present site of the city is far the most eligible of any that can be found; and you will see by the rough plat accompaning that the shoal lots are so contiguous that it will be one and the same place. But my only object in this communica- tion is to apprise the government of the advantage in holding posses- sion of the premises I have the honour to be
Your Excly's
l\Iost Obt Servt. G. Borden, Jr. [rubric]
[Endorsed] T Borden Jr
Galveston 16 Angst 1838 Respecting Town lots &C
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