PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 201 went on to Mushes, and gave him, or his people a scare, and for that reason he is removing his women, and children Today I sent by Jo~nson a, letter, and papers to George May. My opinion is that there is no danger in Mushes neigh[bor]hood, or or [sic] I would not say so--If the people return, the Indians will bring their families back to their homes in happiness! Your friend Sam Houston [rubric] George May, and one man go back, and see the Mush He will not harm you or I would not advise it He is scared! "\Ve have a 1000 men under a,rms but not to hurt Indians- Houston 12th Aug 1838
[Addressed] To
Mr George May on the Road Texas
No. 785a
1_838 Aug. 12, S. HOUSTON TO COL. BOWL 91
Nacogdoches Texas 12th Aug 1838
My Brother,
Before the surveyor could get time to run the line, the fuss began, but it will not stop on that account. On yesterday I told him by letter to go on, and that you would send two men with him. One would be I supposed John £owl, and some other, with the interpreter! I wish it well done, that it may stand always. And that our children's children, may live by it in peace, and that our words may never be forgotten while time shall last. The words of good men should never be forgotten. 'l'he Great Spirit will take care of good men, and will not .forget them. :Mr. Wright is better, and will go back to you ! He is your friend, or I would not send him! I have given ·an order that no families, or children of Indians shall be disturbed or have trouble, but that they shall be protected and even the l\fexican families, and property shall not be troubled ! That war may cease every where is my wish, and that the cousel of good men only, may be listened to--Tell my Sister, the children, 01This document was omitted from the calendar.
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