No. 782
1838 Aug. 11, S. HOUS'fON, [NACOGDOCHES], TO COL. BOWL, [CHEROKEE NATION] My Brother, Tho some trouble is now going on it will not prevent Mr.. Vansickly from runing the line, as I, ordered him. Mr Wright is sick with the ague, or he woud have been with you again. Do not be disturbed by the troubles which are around you, but be at peace-Remember my words, and listen to no bad talks of any one! I have never told you a lie, nor do I intend it. Tell my sister and the children not to be disturbed-they will not be harmed, but they will be protected, by the Americans Tell all my red brothers to remain at peace!
Your Brother
Sam Houston [rubric]
11th. Aug 1838 ) To Col. Bowl. )
[Addressed] To
Col. Bowl,
Cherokee Chief T'exas
No. 783
1838 A11g. 11. ROWL. [CHEROKEE NATION. TEXASJ, TO SAM HOUSTON, [NACOGDOCHES, TEXASJ 90 Uneasiness among the Cherokees from a report brought by two Biloxis of white men's trailing them; the agent's absence; asking for a personal visit or written assurances. Copy 2 p.
No. 784
1838 Aitg. 11, S. HOUSTON TO G. l\IAY
Nacogdoches T.
12th Aug 1838
Dear Sir.
I am happy to hear from my friend Big Mush. Tell him we will soon have all peace, I hope-So soon as we have the line will be run and they will be satisfied. I ordered it to be done nine days ago, but this fnss, may put it off a while. Yet before the leaves fall it shall be done or I will give them my life or my land, for I will not tell them a lie. Bring down Big Mush that I may satisfy him that I do not lie,-I will never tell ai Red Brother any thing
ooPrlnted in no. 785.
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