that was done, they were Divided in four Equell Divisions. I hapened in the first companey that was marched out of the fort. we were entirely Ignorant of · our approaching fate. untill the moment the firing comenced. The prisinors was in double file and a strong guard on each side After we had marched about hall a mile we were ordered to halt at the same time the guard on-the right of the prisinors pascd through as we the prisinors stood and was then all on one side they than fired this was· our first warning of the fate that had awaited us when this firing comcnccd the man who stood on my left was shot and fell on my shoulder. After the fireing was in a meashurc over I found my self unhurt I than made fo;r the River. I saw severall of my companions making there way for the same place most of them was woonded. when I reached the River I saw Mr. ·wingate of Montgomery standing in the water. He said he was wounded and could not swim the River. as I could Render him no assistance. I lift him in the same place After I had swam the river and was about to leave the .swamp. I saw 2 persons who had made there escape they were Runing for life pursued by 3 calvary soldiers they were soon over taken and put to death as soon as this was done the Mexicans soldiers Returned to the fort I than thought it a good time to leave my place of consealment as I entered the prarie I saw 2 more young men also leaving the swamp I soon joined them and we made the best of our way to Genl Houstons camp which we had understood was at rruscasrot on the colorado, we traveled untill the 31st. of March with out eating aney thing. but wild onions on t!1at day we Reached the Guadaloupc River we was lying on the Bank of the River when weighting the appoach of night to cross the stream when we heard a Rusling in the Bushe,s which proved to be an old sow and eight piggs. seven of which we kild we Kindled a fire and Roasted one of them which we feasted on by this time night came on and we prepaired to cross the River Each man with his 2 pigs on his shoulder we traveled 3 or 4 days when our provishions gave out and we were again obliged to Return to eating onions we had nearly reached the timber of the Labaca River when we discovered 3 hor,rns hid in the Edge o-f the prarie we were affraid to proccdc not noing where the owners of the horses were we therefore thought it best to conceal" ourselves untill night we had not remained exceding half an hour when 2 Mexicans the owners of the horses cam in we were with in 30 or 40 yards of the horses we supposed that they had Seen us when we went in to our place of conseal- ment as they came direct to us and took Duval and myself prisinors leaving Holiday concealed who they did not proceive in his place uf concealment. As we were proceding to there camp about 40 or 50 yards Duvall made his escape and Brooke to Run and was pursued by one of the Mexicans but succeeded in making his escape the other Mexican Remained holding me with one hand and a Drawn Knife in the other to prevent my doing the same as soon as the other l\iexican returned thay proceded with me to their camp when they immcdiatly sadled their hor,ses they held a consultation which I did not understand thay than mounted their
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