now convalescent ho~ever-Genl Rusk had me carried to his house, and his Lady attended with a mother's kindness-I feel under the highest obligations to the family- Did you receive my letter from San Augustine? I suppose you q_ont intend to come up-It isn't worth while indeed-Grayson is done up I think by his "dammed good natured friends "-Burton arrived here about a week since, breathing slaughter against Old Sam-The Cherokees-Grayson-The Civilian and all-and indeed he has begun to put it in print- yesterday a row occurred in the streets, and the President drunk they say at the time entered it, dealing Billingsgate most lavishly upon a little man, whom he happened to underestimate, for the little fellow bucked up, and in reply told his Excellency some of the most unwelcome truths he has heard for many a day I think-He is entirely unnoticed here, and seems to feel it-He and Jeff Wright make a pair as Gil Blas says...:....., I got a ietter from John the other day, he says he wrote to you at the same time, resuesting you to keep me straight &c-our financial schemes are all knocked in the head-damm 'em cant the President of a Republic and the Adjutant Genl get credit for a paltry 20,000 7 no matter, we '11 be rich som~ day without their aid- When I saw the first account of the loss of Pulaski, the fever had only been broken one day ani.l. I came very near a relapse.~But the, next day Moses Patton got he..e, and informed of the escape of Rebecca & Gaz, with the oldest son--I could not feel the loss of Gaz' family so much, for I was scarcely acquainted with them.-But a dreadful load was removed from my mind when I heard of the safety of Rebecca-as soon as Gaz got ashore he wrote to John a very penitent epistle-that he had seen the error of his ways &c, & advising John to '' do likewise ",-Salt water and a wreck have a wonderful effect John says- You have probably heard of his Johns marriage with Miss Kenan-. Nothing new- Truly your's H McLeod [rubric] Major Burton's best regards-His warmest anticipations he says in regard to the Election are more than realized, from Dan to Beer- sheba-The l\i~ajor has passed thro' Liberty, Jefferson, Jasper, Sabine, San Augustine, and arrived here about 25th July-
[Addressed] ,Genl. Mirabeau. B. Lamar
Col. ]\IcLeod Nacogdoches 4 Augst 1838 Financial &c
Vice Presdt Rep of Texas Houston Texas
Col Johnston
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