that I may have ever said to you touching this matter. I do not know that I have stated the question in the precise language of Col. 'Wharton but I have endeavored to do it in substance. T'he charge as I understand it as comming from Mr. McKinney is that I was willing to purchase my election by a compromise with the afore- said speculations and that I had selected you as my agent to carry on the negociation-concious that nothing could be more foreign to my nature than such unprincipled corruption, I must beg of you the favor tci state to the public how far and to what extent the imputa- tion they cast upon me may be true or false- I have the honor to be Your Obt Servt. Mirabeau B. Lamar. No. 775 1838 Aug. 2, J. K. ALLEN TO A. C. HORT'ON, [HOUSTON] Houston August 2nd 1838 To Col. A. C. Horton Dear Sir In relation to the remarks made by you to Mr. McKinney at my Brothers House, relative to Genl. Lamar's sustaining certain land claims-I can say that I heard you say to 1\fr. McKinney when in conversation relative to Genl. Lamar & Col. Grayson's election in the following words, "McKinney quit it, you will be badly beaten, and you will want these Four hundred leagues sustained" I looked upon the remarks made by you as a matter of jest, relative to the land claims
Respectfully Yours
Jno. K. Allen [rubric] [Endorsed]
[Addressed] Col. A C Horton Present
Jno K Allens's
Letter of Explanation 2 August 1838
No. 776
1838 Aug. 2, A. C. HORTON TO :M. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON] Houston 2nd August 1838 Gen 1\f. B. Lamar Your communication of 2nd Inst has been duly received and its contents noticed, In reply to the enqll:iries cont~in~d therein, I must say that no conversation (either directly or mdirectly) ever took place between you and myself on the question involved all the conversation ever held between Mr. McKinney and myself took place at" 1\1:r. Allens· house, which was in jest ?n my part, I r~fer you to Mr. Allens letter 89 as a proof of the fact, m no conversat10n have ·-·-·· ~ . . · . · , . . . ' . . . BDNo:775. •----·,
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