The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 773

1838 July 31, A. B. RAGAN TO M. B. LAMAR

U. S. Columbus Georgia July 31. 1838


Genl l\L B. Lamar Houston, Texas

Dear Sir

I notice in a slip from the office of the Comme!'cial Bulletin of N. 0. of the 27th. inst that some man is circulating in Texas Bills of the Pigeon Roost & Minning Company of Geo. with your endorsmt. on them. (the Slip say Conterfietd) Some of your friends apprehend that such representations may have been made as inducd you to endorse some of them, this apprehension is basd. upon information that some arrangement was made or attempted. to be made to give the bills currency in N. 0. The stock of this institution has passd into new hands Genl Nicholas Howard Still owns a portion of it. And-I am authorisd. by him to say to you. that a short time since (he) understanding that the controling stock holders were making arrangemts for the issue of bills & were only restraind. from doing so by his (Gen] H) threatning to enjoin them, to present which they pledgd. their word of honor that none of the bills should be issued. or circulated with- out his consent (which has never been given) or until he was paid or securd. for the amt. of his stock ($15.500) which had been con- tractd. for some length of time previous I have been inducd. to communicate to you these facts, to place you on your guard aginst representations which may carry on their face a semblance of fairness to which they are not intrinsi- cally entitled.- I am very Respectfully

yours &c

A. B. Ragan


[Endorsed] AB Ragan Columbus Geo. 31 Agst 1838 about Pigeon Roost Money

Genl M B Lamar Houston Texas

No. 774

1838 Aug. 2, M. B. LAMAR TO A. C. HORTON

Houston 2nd August 1838

Col. A. C. Horton

Some short time since, I was informed by Col. Jno A.Wharton that Mr. McKinney should have said that, in your efforts to promote or secure my election you made a promise or pledge to him that if he would withdraw Col. Grayson & support my prete,ntions I would aid him McKinney in the consumation of the Four Hundred League speculation of which he is one of the party-I take the liberty there- fore in justi~e to myself to request of you to state all, if any thing,

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