The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II

PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 191 tinue the business, as heretofore, at the same S'tand, under the firm of GEORGE FISHER & co., and solicit their friends for a share of their patronage.

GEORGE FISHER, A. JACKSON DAVIS. [Endorsed] Houston Price Current July 1838 -

[Addressed] 1Ion : lVL B. Lamar

Vice President ,of the Republic of Texas. Houston

No. 770

[1838 July 25], W. J. JONES TO lVI. B. LAMAR

Sulphur Springs

Dear Genl.

I have had a relapse and am nearly dead - as soon as Maj. Smith arrived & informed me of what was going on I wrote the en- closed letter 88 which must be published irn,mediately - Do not fail to have it out in the next papers - l\fake a-ny alteration you please in the phraseology of it - I do not know that I shall recover - my case is very uncertain - Send the boy back immediately with a letter & the latest papers Yr friend truly W. Jefferson Jones Retain Robert's poney & send me another horse - I wish to return as soon as the bearer gets back, if I am able - I am now low - God speed & defend you my dear friend - all things are going on well in this quarter - You will get an almost unanimous vote - ·write every thing to me - A gentleman of respectability who is well acquainted with Genl. Douglass saw & conversed with him on the 6th. July. He then ex- pressed himself warmly in favor of Genl. Lamar publickly a-nd on various occasions. There can therefore be no truth in the Statement of the Civilian in relation to his defaction.


Genl. M. B. Lamar Houston )

Mr. McDougal )



ssNo. 771.

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