Texas Government Scrip, per acre, with priviledge of funding at the rates of 50c from 50 @ 55c Public Lands Governments minimum Price $1.50c pr. Acre. Hon: 1\1. B. Lamar Vice President HOUSTON, 1ST APRIL, 1838. of the Republic of Texas Houston. Sir: "\Ve beg leave to inform you that we have opened a House at the Landing of this City, and are prepared to receive Goods for sale on Commission, also to store and forward them, likewise to purchase and sell, on Commission, Real Estate, and personal and mixed property. Will also engage to col- lect claims against the Government, and procure the location of Mili- tary Bounty Lands, in virtue of Powers of Attorney to be granted to us for that purpose, and generally to transact all kinds of Commis- sion and Agency business; in which capacities we tender you our services in this place and at Galveston through the medium of our friends Messrs. McKinney & Williams. For particulars of our market and ourselves, we beg to refer you to the annexed Prices Current, and the References at foot. \Ve are, very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servants, FISHER, DAVIS & LUBBOCK.
TEXAS. Hon. Henry Smith, Sec'y.)
Hugo C. Gildemecs- )
Treas 'y.
er, Esq.,
Asa Brigham, Esq, Treas-)
Messrs. "\V. F. Vigers )
) Houston.
& Co.,
) )
Messrs. Cooke & Ewing, ) McKinney & Williams, Galveston.
R. Groning & Co.,)
) New C. P. Greene & Co., Velasco. James Reed & Co.,) Orleans Edmund Andrews, Esq. Brazoria.
) ) )
l\fartin, C,Iow & Co., Marion. Handy & Lusk, Richmond
Wm. Bryan, Esq., Sam. Ricker, Esq., Messrs. Goodman Mobile.
Bailey, Gay & Hoxie, Washington. & Miller, Col. Sterling C. Robertson, Nashville.
Col. John N. Seguin, Bexar. Esq., [ra R. Lewis, Esq., Matagorda. Charles \Vilcox, Esq., Anahuac,
Charles \V. Karthaus, Baltimore. Aaron H. Palmer, Esq. New York.
Adolphus Sterne, Esq., Nacogdoches. Hon. W. R. Williamson, Bastrop.
HOUSTON, ·lsT JULY, 1838. The undersigned, successors of Fisher, Davis & Lubbock, will con-
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