No. 645
[1837?], "Ui\J PATRIOTE" TO [l\IIRABEAU BUONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS His own readiness to take arms for Texa,s; his republican prin- ·ciplcs; his devotion to Lamar; Lamar's popularity. 2 p. French. No. 646 [18371, S. II. EVERITT, HOUSTON]. EDITORIAL ON LAMAR AS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY The Reader will find in to days paper, The name of Col Grayson announced as a Candidate for the office of Chief l\Iagistrat,-per- sonally we are friendly to Col. Grayson and Esteem him highly as a gentleman at the same time we frankly acknowledge that we differ with his friends, in the opinion they hold of the propriety or necessity of placeing his name before the people as a candidate for that high office. Nor do we Believe that public Opinion calls for the nomination as we are fully of opinion that it will create an unnecessary political Excitement and one, that in the present State of our Country is calculated to do no good vV e consider Gen !Jamar fully qualified to fill that important station and believe that his Election will give Entire Satisfaction to· the people- rEndorsed]
Editorial by Dr. Everett altered a little by l'\113L- . published in the Danner Houston
No. 647 [16'37], ANONYl\IOUS
'' Strictures on 'A lettl3r to the Hon. Henry Clay, on the annexa- tion of 'l'exas to the United States, by ·William E. Channing,' by a friend to Texas.'' Pamphlet. 12 p. Incomplete. l\Iutilated. No. 648 [c. 1837?], S. 'l'. BROWN. ACCOUNT OF HIS ESCAPE FROJ'\I GOLIAD 50 Saturday 27th. of March 183G was the day on which about 480 Texas vol1111tcrs who had suncndercd to the l\Iexicans as .prisinors of wm·, were 1akcn out and shot in cold blood I was one of the nombre and had the good fortune to make my escape ,vhich was as follows The. prisinors ,vcre ordered to form in Double file when ""Cr. with The Quarterly of the 'l'exas State Historical Association I, 54, an account by J. C. Duval, one of Brown's companions. '
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