The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



write you a private letter without confiding its delivery to some sure and trusty hand enjoining the bearer at the same time to present it personally to the one to whom it is addressed- - A word now in relation to your election. Do you not think it would be better for your cause if your Editorial friends would on v'ijldicating your claims exchange a small portion of the gall and ,vorm wood which they mingle in their publications for an equal quantity of courtesy? If the opposition papers descend to vulgarity in upholding their candidate they may find some extenuation in the desperation of their cause But better things are expected of us, who floating with our candidate "upon the full tide of successful ex- periments" while "our withers are uns.trung" we should not wince at scurrelity or return it, but pursue that dignified course which is best calculated to show the superior respectability of the party to which we belong, and when assailed by abuse expose its imbecility by making manifest its folly. Is it not more gratifying to a man of exalted feelings to prove to the world that the individual who makes unjust charges against you is guilty of falsehood than to tell him he lies? I speak now of political relations alone in which, custom tis true has sanctioned great excesses. But custom can justify nothing that a correct taste and good sense teach us is wrong. Your prospects here have brightened considerable since I first came down. Yoli will get on the Island a small majority notwithsta..nding the strong exertions made to prevent it. Baker is opened mouthed in your favor. Jones sends respects &c

Very Respectfully

Fenton M. Gibson


[Addressed] Gen Mirabeau B Lamar Houston

Fulton M Gibson Galveston Feb 17. 1838

No. 767

1838 July 18, S. II. EVERITT TOM. B. LAl\fAR

Jasper July 18th 1838

My Dr General I write only to say that all things here, bear the most prosperous and flattering appearance-You will without doubt Receive the vote of this District (Jasper & Jefferson) yon will have friends Elected to the House of Representatives also. Horton is Gaining Ground and will I have little doubt get a majority though there are charges Brought against him that Requires the aid of friends to put dow[n]. I am doeing all I can for him & shall continue so to do. I leave here in a few days for San Augustine & Nacogdoches, if You Have, anything You desire to be done You will do me the favor of giveing me the necessary directions-I shall not Be from home but a few days at a time unless I should be under the necessity

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