The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



at our head a respectable old rnaid, 'fit alone for the decencies of '' amiable Mediocrity.'' We were disappointed in your not coming to our 4th July dinner, however I do not think you suffered by absence-I hope to see you in the next 10 days-

Very Respectfully

Your obt. hml. Sert & friend T'hos. J. Green [rubric]

To Genl. l\I. B. Lamar Houston Texas [Addressed] Columbia July 12th Genl. l\I. B. Lamar, City Houston, Texas.


T J Green

Valasco 11th July 1838


No. 763

1838 July 12, J. A. ROGERS, ['TENNESSEE], TO l\I. B. LA-:\IAR

Rogers vill July 12th. 1838

Hon. l\LB.Lamar Sir I address this to you to inform you of the death of P "\V Gray- son he committed one of the most deliberate suicides that has eve:r come to rny knolledge on the mourning of the 9th. Inst at Ileans- station in the county of Grangu, East Tennessee-I will send you a coppy of a letter found in his room after the boddy was found addressed to the landdlord. l\Ir. Mayse I pray you pardon the frighful scene I have made in your house you will ere long learn that I have not been wholley an unworthy man I have to request you to write to Col James Love formerly a resident of Barbersville, Ky, who is I think their at this time though intending to remove with his family in the fall to Texas in forming him of what has occurred hear and of my wish that he would come to this house and take charge of my bagagee examine and do with it what he will see is proper in the mean time I hope the best of care will be taken of it You will find money in my pocket book to defray all my necessary exspinces I beseach you to pardon the troble· I give you P "\V Grayson this paper was found of Texas I learned from several persons who ware preasant at the inquest that, P "\V Grayson was on business for the government what his business was I do not no should it be so you will no - l\ly Re_asons for sending you this address is to in 'form you of his death should their be any certenty of the report I thought it my· in the Room of the deceased P W Grayson on the 9 of July

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