The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



As regards the Candidates for the Vice Presidency, permit me in friendship to say to you, stand aloof, you have nothing to gain by an interferance, Justice as well as Policy dictates your remaining neutral, they are all professed friends, therefore let who will succeed the victory is yours- I fear I shall not be enabled to visit Texas as soon this fall as I expected in consequence of that lliitrderer,-s Trial which will come on in Octr. and I loose sight of all other considerations, sooner than not bring him to condign punishment-You will perceive from our papers, that Preston & others, have been Battling warmly for Texas recently- I am glad that the Bill for withdrawing your instruction for an- nexation was defeated-although I should oppose annexation, to let the sttbJect rest as it is, will increase inigration and advance the in- terest of Texas-I am also pleased that the Bank Bill was defeated, for the Monetary affairs of the present times are too unsettled to carry any Banking institution into successfull operation, and the suc- cess & popularity of every institution of the kind depends upon a favourable commencement, & if I am correctly informed there were great ol)jections to the details, but more of this anon- I shuld have written you from Galveston & New Orleans, (although 1 staid at the latter place but some fe1;0 hours) but Jones was to write for both-please inform me if you still wish me to send you a Sec- retary If you do I will send a first rate fellow, & should have done so 'ere now, but for the Misfortunes that befell me- Do write me fully & unreservedly, you know I feel as deep an in- terest in hearing how things are going on with you, & for your welfair & success as a friend can feel-I shall write you again shortly, for I write this in haste Sincerely & Truly yours J as. H. Smith [rubric] [Addressed] [Endorsed] Genl. M. B. Lamar J. H. Smith Vice President of the Republic of Texas Columbus Ga. 2 Oct 1838 Houston Texas

No. 759

1838 July 3, W. J. PEARMAN, MAANAN[ 1], GEORGIA, TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] . Introducing Isham S. Fannin, a relative of J[ames] '.V. Fannin. A. L. S. 1 p. ·

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