The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



in allusion to a horse & carria,ge expected on this last Columbia from New Orleans-Upon enquiring I learned from the Capt. he had noth- ing of the kind on board-So soon as they come to hand, they will be held subject to your orders-I shall depart in the Cuba on Sunday next for New Orleans, I go there on business for some gentleman on the Island-\Vill you favor me with a letter to one or two friends in that city-I should be plea-sed to attend to any business you may wish [trans] acted in the city of New Orleans-

In much haste I am dear Sir With high respect Your friend & servant ,James S. Jones

[Addressed] Gen .. 1\f. B. Lamar


J as. S. Jones

City of Houston

28th. June 1828


) ) of Mr. Hill )

No. 755

1838 Ju:ne 28, R. 1\L WILLIAMSON TO 1\1. B. LAMAR

Independence June 28th 1838'

Dear Sir:

I have just returned off a privateering land cruise, having touched at Tiger Point, Wild Cat Cove, Yorkshire Trnvis San Felipe Bracyville and Berado and am fully authorized in assuring you that I found an overwhelming majority of the inhabitants in favorable disposition towards your elevation to the next Presidency. The oppo- sition of Mr Grayson among those with whom I have conversed is in truth merely nominal I speak within the bounds of reason and' upon the judgment of Dr. Hoxey and others of influence and informa- tion when I tell you that Grayson will not get in the counties of Wash- ington and Austin 100 votes & in Milam County he will fare worse- what are the Eastern people doing? You have nothing to fear west, but those ought to be looked a,fter-They are very strong-and" tricks may be. played on the eve of the election that might not. be· altogether palitable-But have no fears in this direction. Grayson is regarded as the administration candidate and the people are tired' of that and of such men as advocate its measures-There can be· no change of feeling brought about among the people as regards Mr. Grayson & as for yourself no matter who may or might have opposed your majority I consider will and would have been respectable I have· written this in haste without giving you the Ge'ography of the pla-ns mentioned in it, suffice it to say that they are situated in the counties of Washington and Austin and are well known places of

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