The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



Saml if he is not too busy to come here; Two or three days ago, a man was killed, (and it was supposed by some Mexicans) on his road to Goliad and the people are beginning to cry aloud, for the removal of the President, so as to let in some one that would give protection to the Frontiers, and they think that is to be you The inhabitants of the Mission, were making, arrangements to goo to home, but this little, accident has stoped them, for they see what will be their ex- posed situation if they goo, although they will forget it again in a short time, something new may ocur to retard them from time to time, and they will, in that way be kept from ever Letting their old homes; I can say nothin more about this part of the country and as Sam I expects shows you, anything is in my letters I shall conclude, by sending my best respects to all who may enquire for me, and my ill expressed o[blig] ations to yourself Your Humble Friend and Servant Reuben H Roberts [rubric] Genl. Mirabeau B Lamar Houston



RA Roberts Aransas 26 June 1838 upon Lands &c- Private

Genl. M B Lamar Houston Texas

No. 754

1838 June 28, J. S. JONES TO 1\I. B. LAMAR Galveston

June 28th 1838

His Excellency

Genl M B Lamar


Your friends of this city with much impatient solicitude are daily expecting your arrival-Your friends upon the Island are numerous, and I can assure you it is no incon- siderable source of delight & gratulation to them to witness the rapid increase of your popularity not only within the bounds of their own immediate vicanage where you will obtain a decided majority, but in every section of the entire country- Owing to unavoidable circumstances which I immagine have been con'imunicated to you we have not yet presented the public with the :first n [umber] of our paper I hope however such interesting and unexpected obstacles will not delay its appearance much longer-In a letter received from my brother a few days since something was said

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