The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



ha,vn 't thought much about it, but I reckon I '11 go for Lamar"- The truth is General, your presence is needed in the red Lands to fix the popular feeling, and give it a permanent direction-It will arouse the ardour & inspire the con'fidence of your friends, and confirm the course of the wavering or indifferent-Unless you come, I fear there will be a change for the worse; because the most trivial changes, when constantly sung & harped upon become serious & formidable- Your conversations among the citizens who will call on you, & whom you will meet, will soon dissipate them, and establish your reputa- tion so that it cannot be shaken- I think your best route would be by the Sulphur Springs, where by remaining a week you would probably meet friends from the differ- ent sections of the Republic, thence to Nacogdoches, by the upper road-and on to this place- It was truly gratifying to find that all the opposition to you was cold crafty, & calculating-Wherever I found a burst of honest feeling it was for you- By all means come-The People ask for you every where-I have met many Georgians who have said. "I don't know this Lamar, I should like to see him, but I '11 vote for him, from what I know of the family" This is St. John's day, & the Masonic festival has brought in a large concourse of citizens--& I am writing in a large crowd & con- stantly interrupted- I will wait at Nacogdoches with Jones two weeks for you, when I hope to see you there- Yours truly H. McLeod P. S.- Willis Alston says when you come to this place call & see him at Mr. Clarks' (from Geo) 16 miles out towards Sabine, l\fr C is the most influential man in his neighborhood~I 'm going there tomorrow- I believe Mr O was in Congress- For V P. The people vary & are very indifferent-Horton appears to stand best- [Note in margin of first page.]

[Addressed] Genl. l\L B. Lamar


H McLeod

V. President of Rep Houston Texas

26 June San Augustin Private

No. 752

1838 June 26, W. J. JONES TO M. B. LAMAR


June 26th 1838

Dear Genl. At the date of my first letter I was somewhat frightened by the exaggerated statements of your enemies, with whom I happened to be

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