The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II

p APERS OF 1\fJRABEAU B UONAPARTE LAMAR 171 Orleans, where the yellow-fever was raging & hurried to Texas by way of Red River & arrived early in the commencement of the session of Congress-In relation to the Army affair, it ought to be stated that the President was invited by the army to send a member of the Cabinet to take command-that you were selected-that you appeared as [o]rdered-that a cabal was formed [to] defeat the end all parties had in view, the reconciliation of the civil & military authorities & when you found the army was discontented that you retired-that there was no dictation &c-In relation to the Lipans that you made no treaty, gave no 'cloathes & had no agency in the matter-that you simply assured the Indians of the friendly feelings of the ·whites-that as Vice-President you had no authority to act-- that it was the duty of the Secretary of State, who did act &c. &c. 'l'he same things will be stated here in the paper-Your friends must pnsh the campaign vigorously-I have written to ·whiting- Remember me to :Mr. ·Wilkins-Do not fail to come & burn this letter-In haste,


'N. Jefferson Jones

rE'ndorsed] ,Jefferson Jones

[Addressed] Genl. lHirabeau B. Lamar Houston 'l'exas Care of 1\faj. Wl1iting Banner Office

N agdg-s 23 ,Tune 1838 Political

No. 750

1838 Jitne 24. ROBERT EDRN HANDY, RICH.l\IOND, ['l'EXAS], TO J\I[IRABEAUJ B [UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUS'l'ON, [TEXAS] Introducing ,Judge Hunter, of Goliad, one of the few who escaped the massacre. A. L. S. 1 p. ·

No. 751

1838 June 25, HUGH l\lcLEOD 'l'O l\I. B. LAl\IAR San Augustine ,Tune 25th. 1838

Dear Sir

I arrived this morning from Nacogdoches, where I left l\Ir. ,Tones who is busily employed in refuting the covert slanders of your oppon- ents, thro the Chronicle-Gen! Rnsk is in your favor notwithstanding the statements of yonr common enemies to the contrary-From all I can learn here, my opinion is that Grayson will get a vote of about 1/20 thro Nacogdoches. San Augustine & Sabine,-on the ro~d up we found none for him-Yonr friends-I mean ycur personal friends are numerous & influential but inert-'I'hey are sanguine & unsuspicious, while your enemies ar~ active, vigilant, and untiring thro' secret in their operati,ons-The people every where say, "I don't know yet, I

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