The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 743 1838 June 14, S. H. EVERITT TO l\L B. LAMAR, [HOUS'TON]

Galveston June 14. 1838

My Dr General

All thing are in a much Better condition here than I could have hoped to See them. here You Know Graysons strong supporters Reside, and here we would suppose Grayson would get a magority of Votes- but unless much deceived You will get a magority Even here- Your friends are Industrious and I believe that the Citizens generally are in Your favor. Some few Exception the Custom House officers with l\fcKinney Clerks are opposed to You a meeting was held last Evening in ·which your nomination was con'firmed and Gen Baker nominated as Your Candidate for Representative-he will most un- doubtedly Be Elected-other officers such as Justices of the peace Clerks of the County have been nominated, all of whom as a Requisite to Receive the support of Your friends must be friends of Yours I feel full confidence in this County. Goeing for you Pleas present my Respects to Mr. Wilkin & Lady

Devotedly Yours

S. H Everitt [rubric]

['Addressed] Galveston June 1838 Honl. J'vL B. Lamar


SH Everitt

Galveston 14 Jnne 38 Private

Houston City Texas

No. 744

1838 June 14, F. MOORE TO J'vL B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

Houston June 14th 1838

Dear Sir

From Several Communications that have recently been received from different S'ections of the Republic I learn that doubts are enter- tained by some 88 of your enemies 84 relative to your eligibility to the office of Chief Magistrate of this Nation. I have therefore been in- duced in the name of the pu.blic, to call upon you for Such informa- tion relative to the Subject as may be Sufficient to prove that you are eligible under that Clause of the first article of the Sixth Section of the Constitution that requires the Candidate to "be a Citizen of the Republic at the time of the adoption of the Constitution or an in- . 83 0riglnally "manyf' which was scratched out and •"some" substltu,ted. • 84 0riginallY' "friends" which was scratched out and "enemies" substituted. Both of these corrections are In t,he hand of Lamar.

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