The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 721

1838 lllay 2, J. S. JONES TO [M.] B. LAMAR

Brazoria May 2d 1838

Genl l\I B Lamar

Dr Sir

I dispatched a gentleman by the name of Graves--eight or ten days since the bearer of a letter to yourself I have since been informed he has made a disposition of my horses & departed for the United States -I imagine therefore you have not received my letter which places me under the disagree- able necessity of troubling you with another letter in which I hope yon will pardon me-as I stated in my former letter l\fessrs. Leger & Thompson obstinately refuse to deliver me the preRs and deny my authority to dispose of it in any manner whatever-They have ren- dered themselves so odious and unpopular that they have not a sin- gle friend to advance a dollar for them- I believe with an order from yourself accompanied with the ar[ti] cles [of] agreement I · could manage to obtain possession-Could I prevail upon you to transmit me an order and the articles of agreement by the bearer of this note (1\fr. Kriser) l\Iy Broth I suppose has left for 1\lobile-

I am Dr Sir with Rentiments of the hi~hest Respect Your Friend & servant James S. Jones [Endorsedl

[Addressed] Genl. 1\1. R Lamar City of Houston

J. S. Jones- Brazoria 2nd. lVIay 38

about a Horse


1\Ir. Kriser)

No. 722

[1838 May 2], LEGER & THOl\IPSON TO 1\L B. LAl\IAR

Brazoria May [2] 1838


\Ve request your attention to our quarterly account of the financial position published in the Ko. of to-day. In this article we have but slighted alluded to the many under- hand manoeuvres by which a few contemptible knaves and fools endeavour to throw obstacles in the way of our publication. Their motives for this conduct it is impossible to divine, unless jealousy for the powerful influence which we are daily acquiring with the poorer and more nnmerons claRs of the community,- this they fear, at the approaching election, will militate against the choice of their favourites. A Mr. Jones has been here requiring irnmediate casb, payment for the Press or its delivery into his hands. He represented himself to be the brother of Mr. Jones of Mobile, but as he brought no creden- tials from you, of course we refused to treat with him, knowing no one but you as the owner.

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