the principles of justice and equity which preside m your legisla- tive councils. 0. de A. SANTANGELO.
Appeal from 0. de - Santangelo to Congress of the Republic of Texas 1838 New-Orleans, April 22d, 1838.
No. 717
1838 Apr- 27, W[ILLIS] ROBER'rS, MOBILE, [ALABAMA], TO MIRABEAU B [UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [HOUSTON], TEXAS Asking an appointment for his son, Joel Roberts; [Samuel] Alex- ander [Roberts] the bearer. A. L. S. 1 p.
No. 718
1838 Apr., l\IAGKUS T. ROGERS AND AtH)ERSON SEARCY, CIRCUIT COURT OF YAZOO COUNTY, l\1ISSISSIPPI Indictment for murder. Copy from the original indictment in \Varren County Circuit Court. 3 p. Including appended attestations; with no. 1219. Attestation of a transcript from the records of the Yazoo County Circuit Court. 1 p. Circuit Court seal attached; letter appended, 1 p. (No. 1102) ; appended to the above.
No. 719
1838 May 1, S. R. FISHER TO lVI. B. LAl\IAR
l\fatagorda l\fay 1st 1838
Dear General- Before I left "Houston" (I detest the name) I did myself the honor, at your request to made a few notes of the Celebrated Lafite- Since overhauling my papers here, I find the follg [following] : mem, made at the time which is more minute-",Vednesday July 12-" (1827)" Lafite died at Lasbocas 59 leagues from Campeche on the North Coast of Yucatan about Eleven years Since, and was buried at Salam, two leagues from Lasbocas'' this I had from an old half Mexican, half Indian named Gregorio who Stated he had been a prisoner with him, and had been at Galveston Island" he died of fever-- I perceiv~ that you and Judge Burnet run on the Same ticket-
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