The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 714

1838 Apr-16, JOSEPH RIDDLE, JR., WOODVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, TO l\IIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Inquiry regarding the possibility of making a living as lawyer or editor in Texas; his own service in the Texas army; sending news- papers containing news upon the currency question; his nullification and independent treasury views. A. L. S. 3 p.

No. 715 1838 Ap1. 22, W. J. JONES TO l\f. B. LAMAR

Galveston April 22d. 1838

Dear Lamar I have seen Col. McKinney, Williams & other gentlemen here, who are warmly your friends & have learned that your opponents will assemble all the strength of the country at Houston to nominate the Candidate of the opposition-This they will certainly do-It is the understanding of your active enemies who were here at the sale- tmch as Col. Love-, Dr. Levi Jones, l\Iaj. Barr, Post-Master Genl Col 1\Iennard & perhaps Mosely Baker, who, altho' he expressed himself favorably of you to me, has nevertheless agreed to act with your enemies-Col. McKinney will go to Houston & he will do all he can to disconcert their measures-You must see Col. Williams & Col. McKinney, as soon as they arrive-They talk of holding a meeting here to nominate you-. There is one thing I can not omit to impress upon you and that is -that you must not say a word either to Horton or his friends agt. his running-Horton is a vain man a,nd will be apt to place an im- proper construction upon your advice-at least he may <lo so-his friends are determined to run him-Your enemies are exerting every effort to get up opposition to you during the present Congress-Yon have greatly the advantage of them and it will be impossible to cir- cumvent you-so long as you are passive and watch the movements of your adversaries-Your course must be cautiously measured & welL timed- Col. Smith is well & desires to be remembered to vou-Commend me in kind terms to 1\fr. and Mrs. Wilkins, your brother & all other friends- In great haste, Your friend, ·vv. Jefferson Jones P. S. Burn this letter lest you may loose it on the street (Addressed] Hon. M. B. Lamar Vice Prest. B. D. Townshend Esq. Houston [Endorsed] Th J Jones- , Galveston, 22 Apl. 1838 Political-

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