The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



my return-I should be very glad to make a Visit to your highly in- teresting Country-but I cannot leave conven [ie] ntly- Genl Hamilton & myself used our best exertions to sell your Agent the Steamer Pulaski-but as the Boat was 40 [or] $45000 in-debt, we could not have effected it without advancing that ourselves- which in addition to our previous interests in her (of 7000 each, would have borne on us onerously-I regret she is not in your Country-- she could run between N Orleans ~ Galveston advantageously in a pecuniary point-and armed with two long guns-could drive off any l\fexican fleet that would attempt to interfere with the Commercia-1 re- lations of the country-She is to be run between this place & Balti- more and when the Stockholders lose more money by her, they will probably sell out at a low figure--lf the Govt. need her-and you can feel assured they will & can advance $5000~f the purchase money in Cash-I will keep an eye on her, & make the purcha-se either for your Govt. being so aitthorised to do previously-or to sell to them on my own a/c-provided they could as I saw advance as much as $50.000 in money-On this subject please let me hear from you par- ticularly-as to your views opinions & wishes-It is very clear to my mind, that she would be worth $300.000 to them now rather than to wait to build one even if they had the money to pay for it-to cost 150.000$ for the delay would more than counterbalance the difference. of price-- It is very clearly ascertained, so far as our information goes, that you are to be the next President of Texas-That you will illustrate the doctrine of Free Trade, in your measures I have every assurance- & when they are practically applied-the prosperity of your adopted country will give the best evidence of their value-& what I greatly desire and anticipa-te from them, will be the effects to be produced on· the Southern States by them and their contiguity-Your Minister at London is said to be well qualified for his station, as any your Country afforded-Much will depend on him-& I regret that I see no public notice of any Movements on his part-Time is necessary-but delays are dangerous- I have Script for some Land, to whom shall I send it to have it well located-there are only 1600 acres of it- I beg you will not omit to give me the appointment of Consul for Texas at this port-it will give me some advantages here-and may do good besides- If you should desire my agency in regard to the Pulaski-or any thing else in this Country, I will render my best services-& if in the purchase of the Boat for a Commission only-But if I buy her to sell of course I shall expect a profit-so choose you in the matter- I shall be very glad to hear from you often-

I am &c

G. B. Lamar

[Endorsed] L. B. La-mar

[Addressed] Genl. Mirabeau B. Lamar City of Houston Texas- Via N. Orleans

Sav 15 Apr 1838 on Purchasing a Boat

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