The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



foreign negociations beca,use if a narrow spirit of false economy should govern the views of your Government the Loan will be entirely hopeless.- I consider its negociation of the last importance to your Country. To yourself it may [be] in your administration of the inestimable moment-Its success will give you public credit & a Naval force-I shall be willing to go to Europe & employ my most zealous efforts for the accomplishment of these objects provided your Government appoints me its Commissioner or Agent and gives me the powers discretion & enables me by a libernl commission to employ such agents as may be essential to my success. - · The passage likewise of the gurantee Act will be indispensible a tranooript of which I transmitted to Col Bee and to Mr Smith your Secy of the Treasury. I also sent to Col. Bee a Copy of my Letters to Mr Smith which I will be exceed- ingly obliged to you to see. It will be vastly important that I should leave the U S for Engla,nd as early in June as possible there- fore if your government should desire me to go the Bonds should be executed & returned to me at Charleston by the 1t June at farthest.- ---------,..-Excuse this liberty from a comparative Stranger but the interest we both feel in Texas must be my Excuse. Permit me Dear Sir to assure you of the great consideration & esteem with which The Hon Mirabeau Lamar I am very respt your obt Sev- J. Hamilton

[Endorsed] Letter from Genl Ha,milton 11th Apl 1838

Concerning steamboat

No. 708

1838 Apr• 12, JOSEPH RIDDLE, JR., WOODVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS His own service in the Texas army; his professional and business difficulties in consequence; his marriage; an inquiry regarding possi- bilities for himself as a, lawyer in Texas; hope for Lamar's election; references to Henderson and Archer; American subservience to Bid- dle; Calhoun's latest effort '' on the Independent Treasury bill to save the Constitution"; annexation undesirable until "the ·. cupidity, and fanaticism of our Northern allies shall have caused a severance of the Union"; J a,ckson, Van Buren, and rela- tions with Mexico. A. L. S. 4 p.

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