The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



l\Iilam 's object in visiting l\Iexico was to have his accounts &c settled with Govt.- How long he remd. is not remembered by Mrs. Long. She met with him next in San Fillippe in 1825-or 6.- on his way to the U. S. whence he sailed again to· l\Iexico and returned again to San Fillippe. This was in 1827. He visits the U. S. again; thence he sails to England, to sell certain gold mines to which he had some claims. He returned from England to the U S, started steam boats up Red River to settle his colony at Pecon Point- :Mrs. Long took her daughter Ann to the US; Natches, to school. She left 3rd April 1830. Reach Natches safely, placed Ann with l\Ir. l\Iiller to go to shool. Ann was then 14 years old 26 Novr. 1830. She married Edwd. Winston 8th January 1831. from Virginia. Mrs. Long remained in Louisiana until April 1831, and then leaving, accompanied oy Mrs. Dunbar & her husband, landed in Brazoria 10 l\Iay 1831. l\Irs. Long heard of J'l'.Iilam as she passed N. 0. but did not see him. They came all in a vessel from N. 0. to to [sic] Mata- gorda. Crosby commanded it. Mr. Dunbar & Lady soon returned home. Difficulty in procuring conveyance from Matagorda to Bra- zoria, Mr. [l\frs.] Long and Mir. Winston had to foot it; the balance of the company being provided for. They were three days to Bra- zoria the distance only 45 miles. Dunbar was a cripple & his wife weighed two hundred, so they were placed in a small waggon. First day they reached Robt. Williams - 2nd day, got to Jos. Mimm's, third day Brazoria. Stopped at Tavern kept by Wm. T'. Austin Brazoria. Mrs. Long's at this time mad·e her home at Mr. Calverts. From Brazoria they went next day to l\foNeil's landing - Night overtook them there - dreadful rain & storm. this was the 5 day - on the 6 reach Mr. Calverts - No. 704 1838 Apr. 7, l\I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] L[AMAR], HOUS- TON, ['l'EXAS], TO [JANE H. WILKINSON] LONG, [RICHMOND? TEXAS] Sending specimen sheets of chapter 10 of an intended publication upon Long's expedition into Texas. Printed. 1 p. Accompanying sheets, 16 p. No. 705 1838 Apr. 10, [M. B. l LAMAR. THIRD ADDRESS TO THE SENATE, [HOUSTON]

General Lamar's Third Address to the Senate At the adjourned Session of April 10th 1838.

Gentlemen of the Senate,

In greeting you on the resumption of your legislative duties, I am happy in having so many causes of congratulation to offer, and so few subjects of discontent to lay before you. We are

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