Indians should attempt that night to cross, there was. the point to give them battle. Accordingly they sent their horses to the prararie and pitched their camp immideately on the bank of the river. Early next morning her party assisted the other travellers across the stream and both parties proceeded on their jorney, Mrs. Long for Labhia and the other party to the Colorado after provisions to carry to Labhia. l\Irs. Long reached Labehia that night about 8 oclk; next morning early the news came the the [sic] party which she had parted with at the Guadalupe, had been murdered viz - the two Americans were murdered; the two mexicans escaped; murdered by the Indians who had encountered l\Irs. Long. She had to sacrifise a fine gold watch her own to raise money to aid the Jones. She remained three days or four was well received by all persons. A 'Ball was given her; she declined dancing being in deep mourning for the loss of her husband; but the Priest of the place insisted on dancing with her, an honor which she could not deny; she danced with the Revd. Gentleman. She left Labihia on the 14th Octr. 1822. Nothing Iiap- pened on her three days jorney to San Antonio. She reach the L'Alalamo, the fort on the east side of the river, after dinner stopped with Laburn, a frenchman, with a negro wife, and notified the '_Govr. Trespelacios of her arrival; in the evening she crossed the river to Don Erasmo Sagine 's where a room had been previously prepared for her. The Govr. was not keeping house; & his wife reached Bexar that very day; the day on Mrs. Long arrived. Sagine was not at home; in the Interior. Baron Bastrop conducted Mrs. Long from Labnrn 's to Sagine's; he had been sent by Trespalacios. The next day Tres- pelacios & wife called on her. He sent for the Joneses--offered to pay them for coming with Mrs. Long; they declined receiving pay, saying they had come on, on their own account; they were however supplied with provisions &c &c - She remained boarding about 3 months with Sagine 's family; there were two kitchens attached to the premises so Mrs. Long taking- possession of one of their com- menced boarding herself, furnishing her own supplies & servants, yet remaing in one of Sagine's room. she continued there 3 months. Mr. Mulcado, the merchant at N. 0 & friend to Trespelacios now arrived at Bexar; Trespelacios was under some obligations to l\Iul- cardo in his days of tribulation in N. 0, and now that it \\~as in his power to repay him he wrote for Mulcardo to come on. He came, His family & l\Irs. Long's now lived in the same house, she having left Sagine 's. She was not long in t11is situation, before a new revo- lution broke out in l\'Iexico; Iterbede was pnt down; Trespelacios his friend hanging on to his fortunes & not joining with the trium- phant party, was expelled from office. He retired with his family to Monterrey and l\1urcardo & family follow with him. He pressed Mrs. Long to go also, pledging every thing to her which her necessity might require. Mrs. Long however declined. She now began to turn her eyes once more towards her sisters in the U. S. But how could she get there. Trespelacios and l\Iulcardo having been dis- missed from office was stripped of their resources, so Trespelacios could no longer afford assistance to l\Irs. Long toward sending her to the US. Nevertheless a friend did arise to help her; a friend 9-Library.
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