THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 991 I would send you some articles But ~Ir. Parker has more than he Can take himself but I send you a Cake of sope and a quire of Paper as I shall expect to here from you often yours With Respect JB [Addressed:] Col Stephen F Austin Brasses River Province of Texas Politeness J\ilr Parker
San Felipe de Austi_n Deer 17. 1824
DR SISTER, Report has just reached here that Brother is not coming out this winter-but do not know wheither it is true or not. tho have supposed it might be and that you and .Mr Perry may possibly visit the Country next Summer It is not my wish that J\iir Perry Should make any arrangements whatever to move here untill he has first seen the Country-he positively must not move on my recommendation nor that of Brother's-perhaps he may not like it, but if he moves without firsj coming to see, it will be too late to remedy it-he is now in a gooq business and you have good Society, here business will be good after a while, but not much can be done immediately, and our Society like all new countries is small, you must not therefore think of moving here untill he first comes to see-Things are going on very well and many emigrants are coming in from :Mississippi. Some with a num- ber of ncgros, and I have every confidence that the Colony will flourish rapidly J\ilr Perry must attend to the Little Rock business, or if Brother stays through the winter he can do it-:Mrs Elliott writes me that she is ready to state that ~Ir Elliot told her the prop- erty was put into his hands confidentially to save it-I cannot attend to it for I do not expect to be in that country for many years to come, as regards the mine a Burton Estate I am willing to give any author- ity to commence Suit and if any .thing can be recovered I shall cheer- fully give up my share of it to your children for I never will live there if the whole was given to me-I want to free my self from debt and then to sit quietly down on a farm in this Country for the balance of my life and hope to see Brother married and settled on oneside of me, and if it could be Mr Perry and you on the other but all my plan:; have been broken in upon and I make no more calculations except to spend my life here; wheither rich or poor, here (that is in this colony) I expect to remain permanently- The Methodists have raised the cry against me, this is what l wished for if they are kept out, or would remain quiet if here for
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