The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




New Orleans 14. Dec 1824.

Honble STEPHEN F. AusTIN DEAR Sm. I have nothing new to inform you of relative to the intentions of Mrs Hawkins, further than what I mentioned in my last letter some weeks ago-I do not believe 11r Sanders and ?Yfr Hawes will ever agree that she should move. to Texas while her family are so young and helpless-If her boys were older and had more Judgement and Experience in the world I dont believe she would be controlled but alas the children have been so much neg- lected that even at an advanced age I fear they will be illy calculated to take care of themselves even- Under these circumstances it bas been by all decided that you are to act in the capacity of friend and agent of Mrs Hawkins and the children; this decision meets my most sanguine approbation, as I am assured she could get no person so well quallified to represent her Interest in the provence-I hope therefore you will not let your delicacy prevent your accepting such a trust- On the subject of the advances made by 1\{r Hawkins it never was ny opinion that you were any otherwise bound than for one half ,f All lands granted to you by the :Mexican Government-and that the only source of remuneration would be from a sale thereof,- There bas been many small sums loaned to individuals going to Texas, and for which_they are bound these I will send you a list of at a more convenient time and request you to have them collected- NATII: Cox. Mr Botts is now here and I believe intends writing you by ~,rr Parker the bear[er] of this.


New Orleans December 15 th 1824 DEAR Sm I have Ritten before I Left home and about Mr. Wil- lia,m Smethers I have sent him a Knife to Cut his throat if he De- mes me Sending him the horse and you will be so Good as to Get the horse and for setling my Improvement I will send out some Person or you must have it Rented out. for I am envolved so much that I Cannot Come But will try and send Out do write me every oppor- tunity and Respects to Col Pettice and except for yourself JoHN Barrs

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