A. H. ADAMS TO AUSTIN of land for A H Adams " " " Jn° P. Brodnax " " " Tho•· Brodnax " " " RS Jeffries
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If on your nrrivnl out you can obtain 4 leagues of land for the above persons I wish you [to] reserve them and I shall be out in 3. or 4 mos to a certainty and will comply with your arrangements I wish the situation as pleasant as possible and as near navigation as convenient. if there is a prospect of the grants being extended you mny defer the location untill it is obtained, by complying with the above request you confer many favors on your A H ADAMS [Rubric] Alexa Dec 11-1824
Hazel run Deer. 13 th • 1824
DEAR Sm I imbrace the oppertunity of writing you a few lines by the Mister Allie's to refresh your memory of our conversation on our road from Hazel run to the platten mines conserning Some Surveying that I am very anxious of gitting in your colony Should there bee any Surplus Surveying on the receipt of those lines and I should bee patronised in a part of It I should like to remove there as Soon as possible ase there is little or no chance for me to make much money here. I wish you not to neglect answering my letter as I shall bee undetermined where to Settle until I hear from you- my pros- pects in mining are flatering at this time and should I be favoured with good wether I think that I can clear 2 or 3 hundred dollars this winter- there is nothing ocured here Since you left this place worth your notice Except that it is pretty generally believed that Sam Louis and Aclilene will bee married Shortly- you have the news as I got it it is the flying report. nothing Else worth relat- ing at present Ex[cept J that the people are all well Polly Sends hir respects to you and your Brother R CARPENTER J.E. B. Austin Esq.
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