next in Order, who the Successful Candidate will be is yet doubtfull. there is no prospect that Either will be primarily Elected. Gen•· Jackson now appears to run Ahead, but the House of Representatives Vote by States in that case the result may be different. in New York we hear that Jackson had 29 and Clay 7- this State will give Jack- son 3 and Adams 2. the Ballotings were Jackson 30 and Clay 29. three senators were absent friendly to Clay Dominique Boliney [Bouligny] is Elected Senator in place of Harry Johnston who is Governor Gen'· Thomas and Harper had a few votes. ~Ir. Living- ston was not put up Some think he is kept Back to go into the New Cabinet, most probably in place of J. Q. Adams.- The Great National Canal from Potomac to l\fonongehala will now certainly go on, the Commissioners have reported in favour of it, on the summit Level water to feed the Locks at all seasons will be found in abundance- The whol of our New State Loan has been taken by an English Company at five pr cent it will soon go into operation.- 1\ 7 e have had no deaths but Davenport lately that I Recollect. Red River is so high and rising that Steam Boats will be looked for Next-"'\Veek.- The crop of cotton will exceed that of the last or any former year. Corn is scarce, all Other Provisions plenty and cheap- The Country is healthy and slowly improving.- If l\fr. Smyth is in you quarter Please to present to him my best wishes. I hope his health is improved It is a pity a :Man of his Sterling worth should be so afllicted by Physical infirmity- Present my compliments Likewise to l\fr. Cook, the ebolutions of l\fr. Holtham Ought to give him no uneasiness, it certainly will do him no harm Amongst those who know him, as well as his adversary. I have a great desire to See your Country, but whether or not I shall be able to do so, the prosperity of your settlemt has my warmest Wishes. The papers will inform you of the Political State of Europe. The Duke D'Artoi of France Succeeds Louis 18 and will be called Charles the tenth, he is sixty five; without issue, and was a libertine, till his Constitution Obliged him to be Otherwise.- I wrote you lately on the Subject of the Late Doctor Robinsons Ac- count with the Mexican Government I hope you will be able to pro- cure for his Amiable Widow a Satisfactory Account of the matter.- you will oblige me If you will inform me wheather the officers and Men who served under Bernardo Gutieras and Toledo will be allowed the Land promised them, or Any other compensation :Many of thos Claims might be Bought up on Reasonable terms.- J oHN SIBLEY [Rubric] Judge AusTIN
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