The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 987 prize which in a new and growing community like yours is so inestimable. He carries with him an industrious and respectable mechanic-in conjunction with whom should the prospects justify the attempt-he intends to erect a saw and grist mill and cotton gin. Undertaking like this cant fail to be of public benefit. whilst I cannot but wish that ~fr H will be pleased with your settlement- I regret that any circumstance which would not be to him anrl his family a positive benefit-should deprive his friends of his so- ciety, hospitality and unlimited friendship. Jo THOMAS P. S. I have strong hopes that one of my Junior Brothers, will locate himself in your neighborhood-and I think it is not very im- probable that I may visit you in the course of the next Summer. Jo T Col Stephen F. Austin.


San Felipe de Austin Deer· 6 th 1824

DEAnSrn Since I saw you at San Jacinto I have concluded to proceed or. to the seat of Government; and called to see you, but not find[ing] you at home I have taken the liberty of troubling you with this note, and beg the favor of you to write me and direct your letter to the care of ~'.[r. Hickman at Monterey where I shall wait the arrival, please inform me the shape in which my papers are forwardeJ. and to what Department; also your passport; and any thing more that you can consistantly do to insure a permission of the settle- ment petitioned for which I wish to locate some where in this Province; your compliance will ever be remembered by your friend and Humble Servant G. DEWl'IT [Rubric] Col STEPHEN F A usTIN


Deer 10 th 1824

Dr Sm. By Mr Allen the oppt7 offers of sending you a line with some News papers. you will find them much taken up with the Accounts of the Reception of Gen 1 • Lafayette. The Presidential Election is

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