The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1


THE. AUSTIN ,PAPJ!:RS.- . !, I I f

MosEs AusTIN TO ANTOINE So:uLAnD. . . ' .,. . . . .



1,, •

I ' 1ifine A.·Burt'on Jan 7 • 20 th ·• i804. • • , • o l I ,


, • . \ a few Days past lfr • .:Maxwell mentioned to me that he held a note of . • . , •• I • ' :1 ' . . • ' • ) ' ' . •. , mine and'at 'the same tinie handed me your letter. ·Mr Maxwell ob- served that the intrested had liberty to either make payment or re- turn the Concessions to me the ~<;>D;<;:~quences are the same I have not a Dollar at Stake but as I had recd orders from som~,o.£ the,Intrested not to make payment I requested from ifr :Maxwell time t~ learne the Determenation of the Gentlm after which I would Either make the payment or Return the Concessions. I receiv'd from all the Gent1m, for answer that the Concessions Should be returned for reasons:.. following first that :JYir Madden has made a Surve'y for an Indian boy of :Pratts of a peice of Land he was informed t,vo ·,weeks,be.fore was intended for Shaw and ~1' Treat -also after being made acquaint'd Where :JYir Stuart wish his Survey made·he Survey[e'd] a Concession for some of his family or frien'ds a ·preferenc~ being' given to an Indian Boy of Pratts After Messr· Shaw and Treat had paid one 1-Iundred and Twenty Dollars to some of the settlers of the Mine of burton who have made some improvement on the land they intended to take and which Madden surveyed by the Indian not withstand- ing being for old Mr Duelle t~us treated ,by a :n;ian you promis'd Should-execute your'.orders· with out deviation has induced·them to suppose that this Conduct of :Maddens meet your Approbation under such impressions you are not to be surprised,that t~ey have Declaired there dissattisfaction:in :the· highest terms! -' what 6onfidence is to be given to Madden who .the moment he had information Where the Gentlm· in que~ti~n ~ish'd there [concessions] Surv~y'cl, :immediately made Surveys for Others.on the same lands this with·Other ·consid- erations which I can· coinmu.nicate to you when ari opportunity offers has Detetmened 'them 'a.ff to 'Return·the Concessions As to ·myself I ' . • ' t • • I ' • . I • ' ,. I I • I • • : • • have but One Observation 'to··make and that 1s that I cannot suffi- ciently express my dissattisfactfon with'iny Self, 'that I ha~e had a part in this busine~s by··which I have not ·0·11'ely recd,from you a Charge of Conduct ·of which I a~w·ays sh:111 De~lair miself.Bla~e- less and have been Shame.fully abus'd by your fremd madden I have given Gr~at 'dissattisfaction t<{th'e''Gentlm'for ·whoiniI·acted. .. all of which has{1ght·aboul Hy a ·man altho your friend·:is mi.evers- n.lly Detested by the American People on the West :Sank·of the Mis- sissippia notwithstanding l beleayc{_ybur interiti~ns have.been always t? give 'Sattisfactfo·n to Evry pi~ri yet· y'our -qnoourid'd confidance in Madden ~rid his friends' 1 h.~s.' indtice~ you to ~o'ok .on Iile as a·man ' ~. .

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