The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



the favour desired, I shall have, in that case, an opportunity of thanking you in person. And should I not have that pleasure, I shall still be gratefully and respectfully your friend and hum servt. STEPHEN E AusTIN EsQ. TIMOTHY FLINT. :MARTIN ALLEN TO AUSTIN for the Le~gue on the Sn·Byrnard which you wrote me that T Could have I have sent out whitesides obligation for two hundred Dollars payable in good american horses or mules, if that will answer your perpose in payment of my Land, my son will let you have it- Sir you will please write to me Mr Allcorn arived in Nachitoches on this 5th of this instant, your brother and sister has not yet arived, my anxiety is extreamly great to git on to that Country. I have several Brothers that writes me they will be on from Kentuckey one of them will leave this winter,- we have nothing new in this Country times is hard and money scarce no more but remains your most obedient Friend and well wisher :MARTIN ALL[EN]


[November, 1824]


Alcalde of the Presenct of the San Jacinto • Srn I enclose the commissions for you and Mr. Seo~ You will order a Muster of the men on the San Jacinto and its waters and make out a muster roll which you will return to me-also inspect the arms of the men and report their number and discription I must urge you and Mr. Scott to use your exertions and influence in conjunction with the Alcalde to preserve harmony sobriety and good order in the settlement to effect this ·much may be done by gentle and persuasive means for it is particularly the interests of every individual in the colony to establish a ·character for Industry, sobriety, and Harmony- · Our future prosperity in fact in a great degree depends on it, for if the Govt discover that the few americans ·who are now here cannot live together in harmony they will conclude that if any more are admitted there will be no such thing as govern- ing them and that we shall·always be a troublesome and unprofitable set of settlers, so if nothing else can restrain drunkeness and quar- reling the personal interests of each _settler ought to do it,. for I again repeat that unless ·we·can establish _a good cha.racter with th~ Govt- we shall never prosper- [STEPHE~ F. AUSTIN.]

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