The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 977 :Monterrey the 16 th day of June 1823 I Do,..Herehy Commission the said Andrew Robinson to be Captain of the first Company of :Militia on the Brazos and Colorado Rivers to h0ld said Commission until the Superior Government direct otherwise or until a different or- ganization of the :Militia may require a new Election. Given at the Town of San Felipe de Austin 26th Novemr· 1824,



It appearing by the return of the Election held by the first Com- pany of l\filitia for a first Lieutenant that 1Villiam S Brown was duly elected first Lieutenant. therefore in virtue of the Authority vested in me by the Decree of Brig Gen 1 Felipe de la Garza dated at the City of l\1onterrey the 16 th day of June 1823 I do hereby Com- mission the said vVilliam S Brown to be first Lieutenant of the first Company of J\filitia on the Brazos and Colorado Rivers to hold said Commission until the superior Government direct otherwise or until a different organization of the Militia may require a new elec- tion. Given at the Town of San Felipi de Austin 26 th Novemr. 1824, 4 th and 3c1.


Dukes place Nov. 27 th 1824.

DEAR Sm, l\fr. Tone wishes l\1e to request you not to consider him as settler in this colony, for this reason, that he is a l\fan of a family and ought to be entitled to the same priviliges as other l\1en of families, and as you have now coupled l\1r B. Rawls and 0. H. Stout together perhaps it is now consistent with your affairs to grant :Mr. Tone a League the same with other men of families, I have no l\fore to add, only that ]\fr. Tone has suffered in this country with the rest of us, and is what a l\1an ought to be- • Sir it appears that some disturbance is like to arise in consequence of the division of the Leagues, when two :Men is coupled together and 1\1:aking choice in different Leagues, and threatening if they cannot have their land so and so they will go to the Guailal,oupe Some regulation on this subject from you will aid disputes of this kind. We have run of 11 Leagues and find the bottom is growing wider than what was laid down by ~e plot by about 700 bars on the lower

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