THE AUSTIN PAPERS.· 975 Now I have no doubt through some-acquaintance you have in l\fexico you can by writing .Ascertain for her what it is important for her to lmow, you will do me a ·favour if you will as soon as you can attend to this subject.- I have nothing important to inform you of that the News papers will not acquaint you. the death of the king of France will produce no Change. The state of affairs in Spain is Horrid, and a mo~t Bloddy' Revolution is looked for.- Count Artoi who will be Charles X the Su<'cessor of Louis XVIII is Sixty seven and in ·Bad health his successor will be Angoloeme.- ,vho will be Our Next President no one knows and you can guess as well as any one here-you will find the papers much taken up with the visit of General Lafayette. History Certainly furnishes no par- rnJell of such a Universal Burst of Gratefull expression by so many Millions of People.- I have lately seen a hand bill signed by :Mr. Holtham a lawyer of this place addressed to the people of Taxas denouncing i\iir John Cook as a Swindler etc, I think it an act of justice to i\iir Cook to inform you that so far as I know those Charges are unfounded. Mr Nan- canow ( n Introduced him here they came from 1Vashita together-. and I have seen Gen'- Hughes and other gentlemen from ,,,ashita who never intimated any thing to the prejudice of .Nlr Cook, when he left here some Business of his were Unsettled particularly as Collector of Taxes, his Bond was in my hands as-president of the Town Police and it was put in suit agt. his securities in Compliance with a for- mality, but I do not believe he is much in arrears. the suit stands Continued. l\fr. Holtham and j)'.[r. Cook had a dispute and some Blows passed between them they parted on bad terms. I believe few •persons here think the worse of l\'.[r. Cook or the better of i\ifr. Hol- tham for this attempt to injure him in a strange country. I eve1· Regarded l\fr. Cook as a temperate, sober genteal man, well quallified for Business, he had my Confidence and might have it again.- I Am always happy to hear from you, of the Welfare and the pros- perity of your settlement-I have lately been informed you have had an important accession of Territory Added to your former Grant, including the Inlet and Bay of Galveston-I Now think I shall at some future time Move and settle somewhere in Taxas: but to get from where I have lived so long is difficult and much time is required to arrange ones affairs-It is some time since-I have had a letter from you the last was by your Brother. I have written you several since and sent you some News papers.-Our Legislature is in session since l\1onday last, but we have not heard from them JoHN SIBLEY [Rubric]
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