The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



done it £or the Best, then Mr. Allcorn thought it adviseable to Re- turn Back and wished to know if I did not think it Best to take out Some articles to you, Such as he would name I told him I would get them £or you, and he named Over thes articles following which I have Sent Out to you in his vVaggon besides the other.articles he took before • 1 Barrel of Whiskey 33½ gals 5/_______________________ $20. 93 3/4 1 Barrel of Flour __________ .!. ___________________ :__;___ 10. 00 Part of a Barrel Buiscuit___________________________ 6. 00

20Carrots of tobacco-----------~------~-------------- 10.00 40lbs Sugar at 15¢----~------------------------------- 6.00 20 lbs Coffee at 40¢.:. _________..:._________________________ 8. 00 4 Lbs Chocolate______________________________~---'---- 1. 50 1 Trunk_____________________________________________ 4; 00 6 and 8 penny Nails 40 Lbs at 15¢---------,------------. 6. 00 2Pair Shoes_______________---.---------------------- 5.00

· two Bags for Sugar and Coffee

-75¢ .

$77.43 $78.18 I would have Loaded the waggon but it was not in my Power at this time I have Like wise made you a Present of 1 quarter Box of the Best Spanish Sigars and a Lot of gardenseeds the Best I could find and a number of Other articles which I put in another Siga.r Box which I thought would be of use to you, and a great·number of news Papers of the Lates Dates, and I inclose the Letter your Brother wrote in this Package I wish you would write me when you Receive the articles and whether you get them all will you be good enough to forward Mr. George Smith a few of these news Papers after you have Don Reading of them, when an opportunity offers and you will much Oblige your friend J CABLE Pr :Mr Allcorn


Woodville November 21st 1824

MY DR Sm I am Happy to tel you that I Got Home well and Hearty f;tnd found My family in good Health Hoping when this Gets to you that you May Be in the Same State of Good Health I would not of wrote to yo11 at this time as :hfr Servison Has wrote and Said avery thing that you wish to lmow But as Mr Halliman :Makes me write in justification of My Self I Must Beg one favor from you as to the truth he tels the people that the one Half of the Mill tract of Land is his and that he is Bound for My Parformans with ·you and that I Could not Git o:ue inch of Land only through him _the people LatJghs At him when I show the papers will you write to :Mr. Servi-

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