THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 971 Next Jun then I shall spend two or three-Months with you and see to our Bisness as :I am well pleased with the Contr:act that ~fr Huff has made with you 1 and confirm it By this Letter as you was told that I was so Ingaged in this Country that I Could not Be with you • Before·Next fall I think it proper to tel you that Mr Huff will Be there at the time he promised you to Be there to go on with the Mills a.nd with every Artical he promised to Bring to you Mr Huff is now making the mill Irons Hear as he Has to atend· to they workman there and will not have time to do them there the window Sash I will have redy to send by Mr Huff we have Likewiss a sixty saw gin onder-way of the first and Best kind that Can Be had so that he will take that with him your kind treatment to Mr Huff is great- fully acknowleclge[d] and now [no] part of the Contract But what shall Be Dun we now think that Mr Huff will be at San philips De Austin in A Steam Boat C 01 Child is a Bout to purchis for that River Should that not Be in time Soon A nough for the Cotton Seed we will Charter A Schooner to go with tel ~fr :Mc.Cormick the things he sent for will Corn with j\,fr Huff° .Mr Huff Sends his :respet to your self Ve1;ner JOSEPH SERVISON
N. B. YOU will be kin A noi1gh to anser this [Addressed:] The Honb 18 Stephen F. Austin,
Province of Texas San Felipe de Austin,
Natchitoches, Nov. 20 th 1824
Col. AusTIN, DEAR Sm, I Received your note by lVIr, E. Allcorn, on t.he 5 th Inst. and have Complied with your Request. I let him have the amount of Eighty three Dollars and _five Bits in Diferent Stores of this Place. Such as Blankets: etc etc' ·etc which he wanted for your Self, and others, then j\fr_AHcorn and 1\1cTire thought of going Down to Rappid as Steam Boats could not get up above there they le.ft this and went Out to McGuffins and stayed out there the next ~eek, then I Received a letter from-your Brother James, with your Letter Enclosed in it, the letter your Brother James wrote me men- tioned nothing about when he would Start .from Mina Burton, and I wrote to Mr. Allcorn and told him if he felt himself Authorized he could come in· and Read the Letters ns it was of great consequence to·know when your Brother wns acoming on as he was at grent Ex- pence here, I hope I have ,no~_done :wrong By So doing god knows I
• Above, October 26, 1824,•
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