whatever which said Samland Elizabeth their heirs or assigns have or could have to said negros for the said term of 70 y·ears from this date. And the said ,, 7 illinm Pettus agrees that should sd negros or either of them die or runaway or become disabled it shall be his loss and he obligates himself his heirs and assigns to clothe and feed the said negros a.nd to maintain any children which the said Lisey may bear, in consideration for which the said Sam• and Elizabeth agree on their part that said Pettus shall have the full use of the labor of all such children as long as the said Sam• and Elizabeth would have been entitled to it had they kept possession of said negro woman, and the gd, Sam 1 and Elizabeth do hereby warrant the said negros to be free from personal defects and that they are bona fide and absolutely the property of said Sam 1 and Elizabeth and free from any incum- brance whatever November, 1824.
Upper District Colorado
November 17th 1824
Col. STEPHEN F. AusTIN Sm It is my wish to have you to make an entry of the Ninth League of land, on this River above Kinslow's · [Kincheloe's] for me if no other person hase not entered it and wish you to send me an answer by the bearer l\fr. Moore and by so doing much oblige J A:\IES Tul\ILINSON [Rubric] .MEMORANDUM Fon SA1t:lUEL 1"1. vv ILLIAMs I wish Mr Williams to sleep in my house while I am gone and° take special care of everything particularly the corn and meat and tny two motherless pigs-also to set Dolly, Patsy, and Henry to piling the pumpkins and covering them •with corn stacks-keep the crib and smoke House locked-make out u number of blank deeds for ind~vidual transfers-and take care office N ovr· 18. 1824 s. F. AUSTIN
Woodville November 20 th 1824
DR Sm I take the Liberty of writing to you and am happy to·Let you know that Mr Huff has Returned Again and is harty and well I am sorry to tel you that it is not in my power to see you before
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