The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



of the province of Louisianna w[ith 1] New Orleans to the United States. If [this be so this counntry will present the grea[test op- portunity for] a Young man of any in the [whole world1] If you have any Intentions of [ever coming out1] this fall will be the time b[ring b1]lankets, Pewter knives and forks, ... do Common Brown L[inen 1] . and large India Handkf. with large Blue Handkf of a large Kinde wool Hatts Nankeens Blue Cottons Blue Nankeens and all kinde of Tools such as Screwaugers chysells :Handsaws Draw- ing Knives, and all kinde o:f tooles for a Carpenter all these things will command at wholesale 40 p Ct- from the New York price pro- vided they are well bought. I am told ~Ir Phelps has a large quantity of India goods If so maybe he would furnish your Son with an adventure but in all these things take into Consideration that n Return cannot be mad[e] Short of twelve month. I have mention these things to [you 1] that you might make use of the[m] [as you thou?]ght proper I pray you to [offer my best respec?]ts to my Sister and also Miss I . all her friends are well ~I AusTIN [Rubric] NB If you ~ever expect to co?Jme to this Country [come now1] [s]end me the Dried c[orn ?] [I mention ?Jed to you. [Addressed:] Doctor Aaron Elliott Killingworth Connet-


Sept 25 1803

DEAR Srn I have sent the negar boy ngreenbell to promise and you :May Keep him unto I send for him that is if he will sute you at 15 Dollars per Month he is like the moust of negars you will have to mind him- WM REED Capt M. AusTE~

Invoice of Goods sent to the Mines. 10 p• 3 point blankets

3 5/8 Ells linen 1/75 Dld Morrel for hauling load 4 Ells _bagging 42 lb Copperas . 46 lb Brimstone 9 lb Pewter________ 1$} aid Rodney- 1 Pocket Knife___ $ 75 p 1 Red borderd Hnclkf $2 p 4 Peter Gouro( ?) 2 ps linen Coars N° 71. 1 ps Lnncastter slleeting N° 2

10 p• 2 1/2 point do 10 p• 2 1/2 point do 2 p• 2 1/2 do do 2 Cades [Caddies?] 4 ells Corton Bnging 1 p• 8/4 Rose blankets 1 p• 9/4 do lp'7/4 do 1 p• 5/4 do 6 plates

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