THE AUSTIN PA.PERS. 87 Expect me to put myself in the power of a man who has proven by his Conduct that No thing but an Oppertunety is Wanting to ruin my Reputation. I have told you before and I- now tell you that 11!adden has lost you more money then he has made you and his friendship may at this time Cost you 700 Dollars. , Under such circumstances Can you Sup- pose me so pusillanimous ari animal as to Submitt myself to his will No Sr, In this Business I feel myself Unjustly injur'd and Insult'd. but I have given you my word that nothing shall go from me preju- cicial either to your Honour or your Intrest I shall therefore untill I have your leave deposit in my Brest this whole Aff ai?- and at a. proper time Demand sattisfaction of those who have so Unjustly Represented my Conduct towards you Inclosed are all the papers that relate to this buseness- [~I. .A.usTIN.] [Endorsed:] Letter· Anto Soulard· Copy Augt 4 th 1803
'i)1_ine Au Burton Augt. 18 th • 1803.
DEAR Sm I wrote you about Twelve :Month passed and forwarded you a Statement of S Austins business and mine to which I Requested your friendly attention since which I nm without Information from any of those I aught to Consider my Friends in the United States. I am truly desirous to have my business settled with_S A.ustin that I may again make a Visit to my Native land If nothing better can be don get from S .Aus6n the terms on which he will settle all the Dis[cords and disput1]es between us and If I ca[n secure a disd]harge from him f[or the expenditure n in full of Two or three thou[and dol- lars1] I shall willing[ly] do so I [am truly sorry £1Jor S Aust.ins situation which [is due to his son 1] Charles Austin and from [what I learn it is td]uly dis- agreeable. I w[us in hopes that th~]is New Undertaking with Phelps and Sandford would prove advantngeous in this adventure. I hope I am not charged with the Cause of its :Miscarrage Nothing would give me greater Satisfaction then to see and hear of S Austins Welldoing, notwithstanding I am fully Acquainted with all his Conduct towards me as also that of Charles Austin but I am greatly Disposed to do away all disputes with S Austin. I have wrote lrir Phelps again ·and If anything can be don you will be so good ns to write me immediately. .Within a few days past I recd letters from the States that informed me that France has Ceded the whole
1 Orlglnnl In po!!sesslon ol' M1·s. Emmett L. Peny.
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