The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



This is to Certify that I have engaged with !t'Ioses Austin to Exe- cute a quantity of Carpenters work foi· the said Austin to the Amount of One Hundred nnd Sixety five Dollars Nineteen Cents which the said Austin has bound himself this Day April !l 11 1803 to pay Mr. I Dodge for me ABRM. ARMSTRONG New Burbon Israel Dodge witness [Endorsed:] Memorandum Armstrong for work-


D• Geo 8 Fisher in A/C with Moses AustiB & Co. 1800 Jan,. 15 To 25 lb Shott $12 Cents________________________________ $3. May 8 'l'o Abraham Eads Bil'---------------------------------- 32 1801

Sept· 15 To 139 lb Coffee 80 Cents________________________ $111. 20 " To 351 lb Sugar Havnnnah 40 Cts_________________ 140. 40 1802 Sept. 18 To 6 lb Glover Salts 1 $ ______ 6.0 __________________________ _ 27 To 50 lb Coffee 80 Cents_________________________________ " To 100 lb Sugar 30 Cents____________~------------------ 1803 March 2 To 20 Yds white linen 1$20_______________________________ " To 3 yds fine Irish Llnen 2$----------------------------- • 4 Ells Cotton Ade 1$75------------------------------- May 10 To 1 ps fine Irish Linen N°·/32~ 2$------------------------- " To 1 ps Callico No 46 28 1/2 yds__________________________ " . 6 paint Shawls 2.$---------------------~-------------- '' 3 ps Nankeen 3$-------------------------------------- .. 4 yll 'l'\vlld flann·ets 1$80_____________________________ July To Sales of Sugars ship.d to Ph11a 4 To Cash paid you by M' Hopkins_________________________

251. 60 6. 40. 30 24 0 6 0 7 0 52 0 35 62½ 12 0 9 0 7 20

600 0



Janr 1 By Merchandise as pr Invoice Dated

Dece'· 1799_____________________________________________ 1044 50 By Sundries Merchandise p'· Invoice Dee 21 - ----------------------------------------------

97 47 31 66 137 40

April 30 By Sundries p" Bill Sept 98______________________________ July 15 By your Bill sundries of this Do.te__.:._____________________ " By do do same Date___________________ ·----------------- M By do___ di\ do______________________________________

39 00 44 75

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