THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 77 I nm very sorry that the Sales will be so little to your Satisfaction, but it was the highest price that I could possibly procure- the Sugar B[r]okers would give but 8½ dollars p Cwt. and pay the nmot in Loa,£ Sugar Those Sugars of yours were of the very worst Quality which was agravated by a comparison with a parcele by the same Ves.5ell of an excellent quality which were landed at the same time. James and wra, :Miller had a number of Hhds consigned them by same Vessell of as bad a kind as yours.-Ad_d to this, there is no exportation of any consequence to Europe vVest India produce haveing declined there. It would have been better for us both if you had shipped the Dollars, even if the duty was deducted.-You will observe I charge no Commissions. I enclose your Acct. CurrL by which you will see how the Interest swells the Balla.nee ... [torn] Busines.5 here, so that you must know well, how our British Creditors charge us Interest up to the very day and the Interest we receive but poorly reemburses us. I had on the RecL of your letter from New Orleans, anticipated the Settlement of your accL and should have been much pleased on transmitting you a Receipt in full, and I rather suppose this might have been done, as I have been informed you took ... [torn] dollars home with you in Cash. I still hope you wi-11 bear this acct· in mind and do, pray my good Sir, forward the Ballance as quick as possible. Our politicall Bal- lance since the election of Governor i1:cKean has all turned one way, the Democratic Interest preponderates thro the State a.nd even our City has degenerated; I suppose the next election will be alto- gether on that side. George vV escott has been in very ill health but is now better. Henry Wescott when on a visit to the Copper Mine in lvlaryland last December, fell down one of the Shafts 36 feet and broke both his Legs- after laying on his back 4 :Months, he got home in May and still in that position, and it is not till within this month that he has been able to walk with Crutches; indeed his Recovery is a :Miracle- Robt :Morris is at length at large, he has obtained his Liberty by the Act of Bankruptcy. Nickolson you might have heard died in prison- Shall be glad of a line when this gets to hand, and if you can accompany it with something substantial in the money way, you will render me a great service, and confer a great Obligation on THO. HocKLEY. [Rubric] Dr· Moses Austin in Account with Thomas Hockley Cr 1796 March 12 To Goods at 6 Mo 223. 7. 0
Interest from 12 Sep"· 1796 to end of 6 M 08 credit to 27 October 1801 the time when in Cash from Dubs and Earl, 5 y"· 1 M 0 • 15 days.
68.13. 6
202. 1. 3
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