bound for Philadelphia five H'h 1 cls muscovado sugar for the proper account and Risk of Mr. Thomas I-Ianchly merchL and citizen of the united States of america resi- dent at the afore Sa.id place being marked and num- bered as in the :Margin, and are to be delivered in the like good Order and well conditioned, at the aforesaid port of Philadelphia (the-Danger of the Seas only excepted) unto ~{r. Thomas Hanchly or to his Assigns, he or they paying Freight for the said fifteen Dollars per II'h'cls 5 prct Primnge In Witness ·whereof, the 'Master or Purser .of the said schooner hath affirmed to four Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date; the one of which four bills being ac- complished, the other to stand void. Dated in New Orleans the 2d Day of July 1801 JOHN SMITH G. F.13.EI'h'ds SHIPPED in O'Ood Order and well conditioned, by John N'? 1. 2. 3. 4. o 5. !>. 10.11. 12. F. Merieult in and upon the crood Schooner called the 13. 16. 17. 18. 0 Nancy whereof is Master for this present Voyage John Smith now riding at anchor in the Harbor of New Or- leans and bound for Philadelphia thirteen H'h'ds :Mus- covado Sugar for the proper account and risk: of ~Ir. George·Fisher of Kaskaskea Western territory and Citi- zen of the United States of America Consign'd to i1:r. James :Miller mercht of the above place being marked and numbered ns in the :Margin, and are to be delivered in the like good Order and well conditioned, at the afore- said port of Philadelphia (the Danger of the Seas only excepted) unto Mr. James ~filler or to his Assigns, he or they paying Freight for the said fifteen Dollars per H'h'ds 5 pr ct Pr.image IN 1:'\ 7 ITNESS 1VHEREOF, the ~faster oi• Purser of the said Schooner hath 3,ffirmed to four Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Dn,te; the one of which four Bills being accomplished, the other to stand void. Dated in New Orleans the 21l Dity of July 1801 JOHN SMl'l'.1-I'
Philad Sepr [1] 1801
DEAR Srn I herewith inclose you Account of Sales of your five Hogsheads of Sugar rec 11 • per the Schooner Nancy from New Orleans.
• Ol'li;innl 1D possession or M1·s. Emmt'tt L. l'el'l'J.
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