The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 73 0 Clock pass.d the Oas Arke River·on this River there is settlements a few miles.up about 10 miles below the Oas Arke you ·pass the White River both o·f these Rivers enter into the Massissippea on the Spanish side •:Monday 27 Cloudy and like for rain with high winds made but bad Days Run come to shore on the American side near a place where was the ·remanes of an old Fort·supposed to be made by some of the French against the Chickasaws--at this place I found Black Berries ripe and gathered some of them this place is supposed to be about 20 miles above the Wa.lnutt Hills the lVloschettoes was so bad this night that all the smoke we could make was of no acct. Tuesdny 28-:Morning C[l]oudy and still like for rain about 10 0 Clock was boarded by, two Canoes of Arlmnsaw Indians who ·had three Barrells of flower on board taken up on the River lost by some Kentucky Boats 8 of which these Indians informed us had been lost in lVIarch near the flower Island and five men and two Negroes drown.d about 12 O'clock the Wintle ·became so high that we was obliged to land and remane the whole Day with rain and thunder. • ",.ednesday 29 J\forning fine stood Down the River a little before Sunrise about 12 0 clock a Strate in the River of about ¼ Mile on each side of which while our Boats was passing the Banks gave way and with them a number of large Trees-pass.d an Indian Hunting PartJr. . Thursday 30 Cloudy like .for rain,• about 10 0 Clock a Barrell flower seen on the Spanish Shore Two men from _Mr Clarks· Boat oi Pits Bnrgh took it in-it was Branded with Franlcford S. Tine ( n by which I suppose it to belong to some of the Kentucky boats lost in March there was seen on the shores in Sundry places a number of Barrells but the Wind together with the state of the River pre- vented us from Landing about 4 0 Clock in the afternoon we pass.d what is called the Little Gulf as also the mouth of the Yazoo this place is about four Miles or five above Walnutt Hills-at .which place we arrived at Night. Friday May 1 This Morning we pass'd the Walnutt Hills, its ap- pearance from the River is truly Delightfull rising like an .Amphi- theatre one hill above an Other on the Commanding Higth stnnd[s] the Fort which is ,vell built nnd Capnble of being made· a strong Fortres there is about twelYo Houses some of them have a good ap- pearance. the whole face of the Hill is under improvement. and the Corn at this time about up to your knees-there is not a Doubt but this place will sooner or Inter make a large town its said to be One Hundred and Twenty Miles from N atcha after leaveing the Chicka- saw Bluffs you see no Highlnnds until you come to the vYnlnutt Hills which I suppose to be not less than 400 l\files the River being high 25067°-24--voL 2, PT 1--6

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